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About Us


Positive Barta, a teamwork initiative driven by enthusiastic individuals, aims to foster a positive mindset within communities. This project specifically targets the youth of West Bengal, aiming to counteract negativity and encourage social development participation. It builds upon Positive Barta's existing success in disseminating positive messages through social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and websites.

Think Positive, Do Positive & Stay Positive

POSITIVE বার্তা A teamwork initiative of positive & enthusiastic people using different social media platforms.

**The unity of positive souls is the POWER OF POSITIVITY.

Mission: To make a common platform for enthusiastic people associated with several social media platforms, small digital channels, independent media professionals, YouTubers, individual social media influencers towards representation of productive/ progressive news, contents.

Vision: To ensure sustainable orientation for common people to realize the bad effect of negativity and impact of positivity in human life and to unite positive souls to empower positivity in society.

“POSITIVE বার্তা” aiming for an intensive orientation of human resources, mainly young souls-situationally confused, puzzled or being diverted towards negative thoughts and attitude is very much desirous to enhance a positive vibe in every sphere of our society. It’s a united teamwork of social media influencers, YouTubers, enthusiastic individuals on different social media or digital platforms, having promising missions to promote positive or progressive news for all concerned.

Now a days, negative news relating to frequent unsocial incidents, abuse of social media, rapid growth of inhumane nature in the society, the young people are confused and puzzled to go forward for a better human life. Like other social organizations, it’s also our heartfelt realization that sustainable social development is being unexpectedly interrupted due to misinformation through negative news sources that promote bad addiction too. We, having a promising attitude have taken an initiative to make an association of social media influencers, YouTubers by introducing a digital platform : “POSITIVE বার্তা” unitedly. Desirous people around us who work in various social media platforms are being enthusiastically inspired to be a part of this initiative.

We hope ,“POSITIVE বার্তা” is going to be the pioneering news network shortly to ensure wide circulation of news on several developmental issues and progressive messages for the common people all over West Bengal and outside the state having good impact. Let us have your kind support by providing/uploading various reports, photos, videos on different developments, schemes and activities all over the state of West Bengal.

Our request is to intimate all concerned in your community to favour us by providing information relating to different developmental & public service issues, creative and productive contents involving concerned people for orientation towards positivity. Our expectation is for moral and active support towards this sustainable social development initiative as part of human welfare.